Friday, 9 November 2012

Thrive in a New Economy that Works for All

Worried about surviving the financial collapse?  Concerned about making a living in turbulent times?   Here are four ways to bypass a dysfunctional economy:  revive the barter system, trade locally, create micro-businesses, and develop self-sustaining communities.

As the economic turndown worsens daily, business as usual is not a viable option.  Rather than attempting to fix a broken system based on greed and excess, it’s time to create a new, sustainable system that works for everyone and is earth-friendly.

A cashless economy in which buyers and sellers together determine the value of the products and services exchanged will make a comeback.  The new system will be based on relationships and shared values so that the planet and its interdependent inhabitants may survive.  Brokers of barter services will do well in the new economy, as they connect and expand markets for their customers.

Local currencies, already in use, could replace a collapsed U.S. and global currency.  A step beyond the barter system, local bucks create a recognized medium of exchange.

As big businesses depart from communities that can’t sustain their bottom lines, people will support their local merchants through the downturn so that essential goods and services will continue.  Shedding the unnecessary is a part of the new, sustainable lifestyle.

Creativity will be valued in the new economy, with thousands of micro-businesses forming as inspiration and an entrepreneurial spirit join to offer value for a minimal investment of capital.  Local lenders will step forward to support such cost-effective endeavors, just as they have in third-world countries like Bangladesh.
Having lost confidence in big banking, community associations are forming to offer loans to their neighbors with reasonable terms that benefit everyone.  Other communal efforts to ensure mutual survival and access to the means to own a home and make a living are likely to emerge in the next few years.  Grassroots economies will flourish, and businesses will do well by treating their customers as friends.

Community enterprises will be the hallmark of the new economy.  Co-housing and community gardens are making a comeback, as generations move in together and neighbors create common areas.  The concept of each household owning its own lawnmower will seem archaic, as tools are shared to save valuable resources.

Public transportation will improve in response to demand, and neighbors will carpool for shopping, work, and school.  Group home schooling will thrive, as public systems collapse under the weight of crumbling facilities and budgets.  In general, people will stay closer to home and adopt simpler lifestyles offering less stressful, more enjoyable lives.

As the world is transformed by crisis, a consciousness shift will cause people to recognize their interdependence and pull together to create new ways not only to survive but thrive in a new economy and a new era of sustainable living.

Dr. Laura Dunham is the author of Spiritual Wisdom for a Planet in Peril:  Preparing for 2012 and Beyond (

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Back to the Future

 I just had dinner with my friends K and MJ, who reported on the progress of the house that they are building in southwest Virginia. They plan to retire there when the time is right.

A big part of K and MJ’s plan is getting back to a more simple and satisfying existence. They are looking forward to having animals on their land. (K votes for a goat and a donkey, perhaps a border collie. MJ wants dogs, cats and perhaps a pony for the grandchildren.) Their house is being designed to incorporate natural light and energy-efficiency features, and K and MJ are looking forward to buying produce at the area farmers’ cooperative.

Another friend, JD, has been thinking about starting a new business: helping homeowners to plant and maintain organic produce, including vegetables, herbs and fruits, on their land. I’m enthusiastic about JD’s idea. It is a moneysaver in troubled economic times, counters soil erosion and stormwater runoff by installing vegetation, and offers a better quality of food on the table.

I think that my friends are part of a substantial cultural shift.  People are longing for simplicity and richer connections to the earth, to family, and to community.  As financial institutions and business transactions unravel and as governments struggle to halt the chaos, a return to home, hearth and garden seems more sane, satisfying and secure than braving the uncertainties of the broader world.

Heightened  interest in community and family is also affecting the urban planning and development fields.  In the U.S., the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) advocates the incorporation of agriculture into urban community settings.   Says architect Andres Duany, one of the fathers of new urbanism, “Agriculture is the new golf.”  An organic farm has been incorporated into New Town at St. Charles, a planned community just outside St. Louis.  And one of my clients, Philip Williams– a committed environmentalist and developer, has incorporated his family-owned greenbelt and a tree farm into plans for his Montgomery Farm community outside Dallas.

The Urban Land Institute will conduct a panel on self-sustaining communities at its May 12-13, 2009 green development conference in Los Angeles, addressing how communities might create their own power and water supplies and grow their own food.  In the UK, Prince Charles’s Poundbury is a human-scale, mixed use community that honors environmental responsibility and traditional architecture, and creates a self-sustaining economy by integrating places of work and residence.

As we search for comfort in chaos, the self-sustaining home and the urban village are old ideas made new again.

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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Power of One

 Our market is growing. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the world on February 19 totaled 6,761,616,432. By 2025, we’re supposed to hit 8 billion; by 2040, 9 billion. That’s a whole lot of loving going on.

However, the marketplace is not growing. This planet is not getting bigger to accommodate more people. Its girth is fixed. And Mother Nature is not interested in expanding her waistline. Take a hard look at the level of efficiency at which she operates – 96%. Something’s got to change. Moving to Mars or Venus isn’t really an option. So we had better think about improving our current ratio of inputs and outputs. We’re teetering on a change in how we view our productivity.

Historically, productivity was defined as a measure of success. People see it as a positive concept. Yet, it’s also an indicator of inefficiency. Productivity is above all a state of mind. It’s time to evolve our state of mind to embrace environmental quality by mimicking the efficiency of Mother Nature.

My particular interest is to connect with small business owners. Why? They are the idea generators in our economies. They are the source of innovations that will literally enable our future. We desperately need innovation to weather today’s economic storm, for innovation is a driver of economic growth. We also need innovators to rise to the market needs of 2025 and beyond.

So what small business does now matters, a lot.
It is highly unlikely that any small business will be the cause of an event like Exxon Valdez. However, the real challenge is the cumulative impact of seemingly trivial contributions of individual actions. It’s the day-to-day inefficiencies in our businesses that add up. Let’s do the math. There are 143 million small businesses (give or take 10%) operating around the world. They represent over 95% of the businesses on the planet. Innovation can be as simple as each small company doing one thing differently. Let’s walk though an example with chemicals. If over a year each small business spilled the equivalent of one cup of oil, this could contaminate groundwater equal to 143 million Olympic-sized pools. The impact is literally oceanic.

Now, let’s apply this new state of mind. For every ounce of chemical (oil is a petro-chemical) not spilled or misused, two kinds of benefits emerge. One, there is a quantitative benefit to the company at least 8-times greater than the spill because the oil is used productively. Two, this generates value to others because there is that much less chemical out there, and chemicals reactions do not respect property lines or political boundaries.

So, we need small business to treat chemicals with more respect as an innovation. One really low cost action every small business owner can do that would have a profound effect – read the instructions BEFORE using the chemical. You can save yourself a lot of grief if you adopt this one behaviour change and convince your peers to do the same. We will all gain value from better chemical management for pennies of effort. This is a ‘no brainer’.

But small business is capable of so much more genius. This is why we need to support them with the right-sized tools designed for their needs. We need to fuel the natural tendencies in every small business owner on the planet to think beyond the mess we’re in. We need to inspire them to green their productivity. This will create solutions that will improve their businesses and generate value to many others as they are the foundation of our economies and communities. Greening productivity is a better business proposition. It’s a smart idea. And it’s simple. A successful outcome means we meet the needs of a growth market by doing better with less. When small business figures this out, everybody

will benefit. And it will put green where it belongs; money in their pocket and a smile on Mother Nature. For the power of one is not a sum.

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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Driving Change

In a recent Sunday New York Times I read an article that provided additional insight, perspective, and validation to my previous blogs; The Imperative of Trust and The Pursuit of Happiness.

Thomas Friedman, a vigorous proponent of green technology, policy and solutions to climate change and political and social conflict, wrote in his column, Yes, They Could. So They Did, of a chance meeting he had in New Delhi, India. It came about when he accepted a ride from two young women, Yale graduates, along with one of their mothers in a plug-in electric car fitted with solar panels for additional power. Freidman says, “It’s refreshing to know that the world keeps minting idealistic young people who are not waiting for government to act, but are starting their own projects and driving innovation.”

They arrived in New Delhi having just finished a climate caravan through India that highlighted solutions to global warming being developed by Indian companies and innovators. In a short ride around town, they passed the US and Chinese Embassies and pointed out that the roof of the US Embassy was littered with antennae and listening gear while the Chinese Embassy was fitted with solar panels.

In The Imperative of Trust I conclude that that the traditional hierarchical leaders, e.g. governments and large corporations, can no longer lead the way in creating solutions to global climate issues, as well as other critical problems intimately connected to sustaining a healthy planet. The primary reason is that their trust bank accounts are in the red. Solutions and change must and will be driven from the ground up. It will be driven by 23 year old women, with their mothers, driving electric solar powered vehicles in foreign countries. It’s telling that the US Embassy was devoid of solar panels, but not listening devices. The US continues to be divided on environmental issues, with some major corporate and government leaders in denial and trying to eliminate funding for green initiatives even at this late hour.

The level of mistrust in the US, internally and externally, hinders our ability to innovate and lead in a time when the planet needs us the most. Although the Chinese Embassy may have their own listening devices, unseen, their trust issues are not preventing them from advancing and capitalizing on science, innovation and leading. As we fiddle with our antennas to get a better listening advantage, the planet is burning.

There was another critical point from this article that involves how the brain in all of its majesty and complexity actually works against our ability to be innovative. The comment was made by one of the girls when explaining why and how this tour came about. “Well … the world needs crazy ideas to change things, because the conventional way of thinking is not working anymore.” This comment describes a process called repetition suppression, in which our brains strive for energy efficiency. When repeatedly presented with the same stimuli, the brain’s neurons respond with decreasing vigor. Repetition leads to smaller neural responses, thereby decreasing our brains’ capacity for creativity and innovation. The result is we become conventional thinkers and resist new perspectives; all to save energy!

Our opportunity for finding and implementing solutions to global problems will only come about as a result of breaking out of the brain’s natural process of repetition suppression. It is difficult enough to fight individually, but when re-enforced by organizational and group cultures that fear change and the loss of control, the process becomes monumental. The leaders who are best suited to meet the challenge will be the curious and courageous, young and old, daughters and mothers, who are willing, literally and figuratively, to create new neural pathways by traveling around India in electric and solar powered cars. Iconoclasts break molds, and they are able to it because they don’t allow their brains to get into ruts. By remaining open to new and different experiences, we can literally jolt our brains’ creative and innovative capabilities.

Remember I mentioned that this blog was tied to both blogs: The Imperative of Trust and The Pursuit of Happiness? Let’s agree that a tour of India to highlight solutions to global climate issues is a pursuit; now for the happiness part. One of the main points in the blog is that we have become infatuated with pleasuring ourselves under the illusion that we would find the fountain of eternal happiness. What we have experienced is that our pleasuring is spoiling our planet and leaving us unsatisfied. Meaningful and lasting happiness is derived from contributing to something that is beyond our self-interest. So why did these women engage in this pursuit? “We wanted to find a way to bring people together around existing solutions to inspire more action and more innovation. There’s no time left to just talk about the problem.” It’s not about them; it’s about making a contribution. And in their pursuit I’m willing to bet that they found happiness.

Renewable Energy, America, and the Globe

One could sense the new found energy among the more than 2800 plus participants at RETECH2009 which took place March 25-17, 2009. Not only was the energy vibrant, it was infinitely renewable.

The American Council for Renewable Energy (ACORE) does a fantastic job since its inception in 2001 to put the building blocks and alliances in place for accelerated take off of an industry that will significantly lower the carbon portion of humanity’s Ecological Footprint. Planet2025 Network

was proud to be a supporting organization of this milestone event.

Participants were particularly energized by the stimulus package and timely leadership from President Obama, who understands the strategic importance of a strong and dynamic renewable energy industry for the future of America in this 21st Century.

During high-quality sessions we witnessed visions of industry leaders that painted the picture of an emerging future in which renewable energy may provide 25% of energy needs by 2025 going hand in hand with reaching 30% energy efficiency by simply using today’s technologies. Despite recent turmoil in the financial markets, this industry appears to have reached a turning point. Its future appears to be bright. Importantly, consumers are getting it; they want sustainable solutions. Old energy is no longer cool.

National security and oil independence are intimately linked to what happens globally as everything and all things are connected as components of one whole system. My DREAM message in response to President Obama’s challenge to the industry is that as the US is working towards the goal of Doubling Renewable Energy production and efficiency in AMerica in three years, it also needs to stimulate and invest in:
  • demand creation for its products, services, and technologies in developing economies around the world to achieve a truly sustainable economic recovery
  • global cooperation on lowering humanity’s total Ecological Footprint everywhere, such as by putting a price on carbon and the scarcity value of natural resources
  • using its comparative advantage in film, media and advertising to communicate to raise global consciousness that big positive change is possible in the US and around the world, that it can be achieved rapidly knowing change has to start within you, me and all other global citizens in the world taking responsibility for creating the future now, and linked to all of the above
  • engaging communities around the world to regenerate the planet’s ecosystems, remove CO2 from the atmosphere by planting of billions of trees as part of integrated agro-forestry initiatives that create sustainable livelihoods to alleviate poverty and convert CO2 into things people need, such as food, feed, fiber, fuel, fertilizers, and fertile soils.
Let us cooperate from the local to the global to ensure that we can reach a globally sustainable way of life by 2025. The immediate years ahead of us are crucial. We are one people on one planet with one future. We have the exponential power of one.

Monday, 5 November 2012

The New Financiers

A venture capitalist friend of mine asked me in a recent discussion about the financial meltdown, “who will be the new financiers?”

I answered immediately, “the new financiers will be the high-level information and knowledge brokers – and they will aggregate the new research on global change processes and lead in structuring the deals now creating the growing green economy.”  Today information and media drive markets.

These new financiers are already operating unseen by traditional Wall Streeters and asset managers.  They are largely invisible to current financial players and governments because information is their prime currency; rather than money.  The new deal-makers value the role of honest, well-managed currencies that remain dependable stores of value and mediums of exchange.  Money is a special kind of information, not a commodity in itself, but rather a brilliant invention of the human mind.  When backed by real-world goods and service, as well as strong contracts, money can accurately track and score human ingenuity, productivity and transactions interacting with the natural wealth of resources of our home: Planet Earth.

The problem with money is keeping it honest and keeping its “promise to pay” firm.  From the goldsmiths who over-lent against their piles of gold held in storage for their customers, to the kings who shaved of the edges of coins and today’s bankers who create our money out of thin air, we humans have found many ways to debase our currencies.

Human activities grew from traditional barter, mutual aid and gifting to the invention of money back around 3,000 BC.  Our money evolved from clay tablets, shells and cows to metal tokens, gold, silver, today’s paper money and electronic currencies that are blips on millions of financial trading screens.

As we expanded worldwide with the advent of the Industrial Revolution in Europe 300 years ago, our need to trade and exchange grew exponentially.  This required expanding our money systems of exchange.  Gold, which backed most currencies in growing international trade, became too constricting – there just wasn’t enough of if.  Many traders turned to silver and other precious metals.  Soon, the lack of gold led governments to issue paper “fiat” currencies backed only by promises and a fraction of actual gold.  Some countries shut their “gold windows,” including the USA in 1971, and restricted their citizens from owning gold.

Our current financial crises go beyond those earlier contractions, panics and recessions caused by the lack of gold or sufficient supplies of credible paper money.  Central bankers have learned the lessons of the Great Depression.  The money supply must keep up with, not surpass, the expansion of production and trading as a country grows and its real economy progresses.  Today, the interlinking of all countries’ economies due to the globalization of finance and technology caused money-creation to go wild, leading to a credit bubble and mountains of debt.

Computerization of finance and markets speeded up trading to seconds; satellite inter-linkage of round-the-clock stock and commodity exchanges led to the explosion of derivatives contracts, ever more exotic “securitization” of packages of mortgages, student loans and credit card debts.  Risk-analysis was relegated to ivory-tower mathematicians’ algorithms which ignored real-world conditions.  All this multiplied the creation of money and credit exponentially.

Reckless, poorly regulated financial firms on Wall Street sold their dubious, toxic “securities” to gullible investors and pension funds (which should have known better) around the world.  For example, the bets on who might default, called credit default swaps, grew unregulated to now comprise $683 trillion of contracts (Bank for International Settlements December 2008) – while real global production measures only the $62 trillion of global GDP (IMF October 2008).

The resulting crises were predicted by me and others over the past decades.  All that money and debt creation led to illusory gains and today’s inevitable losses and “de-leveraging.”  The bubble in finance and money itself has popped.  Central bankers and financiers, schooled in the world’s leading business schools and economics departments focus on money and global monetary circuitry.  They were rarely taught that money was simply one form of information – now deeply devalued as all the new forms of money-creation went wild.

Today, we see central bankers printing money on TV.  No amount of ink and paper can print enough new money to close the hole between that $683 trillion of false promises and the world’s real GDP of $62 trillion.  The only issue is who will take the hit.  Up to now, the political influence of financial sectors has forced taxpayers to bail out financiers. The blatant unfairness and stupidity of this has caused huge outcries from outraged citizens.  Those billions given to irresponsible bankers could have financed universal healthcare and college education.  This is the end of finance based only on money and fiat currencies.  We now know it’s about priorities and values.

Enter the new financiers: those high-level information and knowledge brokers who understand our Information Age and the great transition from the fossil-fueled Industrial Age to our new Solar Age.  Overloaded money-circuits have broken down and the huge new volume of transactions in the past decade have migrated to the internet.  Pure information-based exchange and sharing has led to the new hybrid economic model described by experts, including Lawrence Lessig’s Remix (2008), Yoichi Benkler’s The Wealth of Networks (2007), Don Tapscott’s Wikinomics (2008), Verna Allee’s Knowledge Evolution (1997) and my own work (  This hybrid economy is half the old money-based competition and half information-based sharing, cooperation and exchange.  From electronic stock exchanges, Instinet, Archipelago, NASDAQ, Knight and Entrex to Google, e-Bay, Craigslist, Amazon, Facebook and Wikipedia, we are seeing how money-obsessed financiers are trailing behind.  The new financiers: those high-level information brokers go beyond economics to understanding whole systems and the human family on planet Earth.

Money may return to its honest base, reflecting real world values of Main Street productivity but may never again be the dominant medium of exchange.  Just as gold remains valuable but can no longer support the new volume of human transactions.  Money will be superseded by all the new digital currencies already circulating from local exchange trading systems (LETS) and complementary currencies like “Berkshares” and “Wirs” in Switzerland to Freecycle and many other barter sites, cell phone networks and radio shows.  Incumbent money-circuit players will try to get regulators to shut down these upstart, disruptive technologies and competitors.  The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), for example, shut down the website which boomed by facilitating local residents and businesses in lending to each other.

The new financiers are operating these new digital trading platforms in many countries.  Many designs for global digital currencies are on the way.  They will complement the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights, another pure information-based currency for international development which is still conceptually tied to gold.  The new financiers will show why the old financiers and central bankers can no longer have a monopoly on money and its creation.  Information-based currencies and trading platforms will operate wherever necessary for evolving human communities so as to match needs with resources and create jobs – from local and regional to national and international exchange.

Today’s financial “crisis” is facilitating the evolutionary jump to the next stage of human development – shifting from faulty, money-measured GDP growth to the cleaner, greener sustainable economies.  Governments are realizing that they must now also correct those money-based indicators and GDP national accounts to adopt the new Quality of Life Indicators.  Pension funds have realized their errors in chasing only short-term money returns and are demanding that companies report their performance beyond the old single bottom line of money to the triple bottom line, including progress on social, environmental and governance performance.   Welcome to the Information Age.

Hazel Henderson, one of the new financiers, is also author of Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy (2006), co-created the Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators, updated regularly at, and co-organized the BEYOND GDP conference in the European Parliament, Nov. 2007 (

For full disclosure, LONG: ORMAT, CREE, SUNTECH, CLIPPER, Google, US Geothermal, Nevada Power, World Water & Solar, Western Wind and pre-IPO companies, including Solaria, EnVision Solar, and Stirling Energy Systems.

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A New End: A New Beginning (Part 1)

For almost a decade now, I have been traveling broadly speaking to groups of all sizes and almost every discipline you can think of about the big change that appeared to be converging on the horizon.

Often characterizing the coming shift in terms of breakdowns and breakthroughs, I’ve tried to build integrated mental pictures of the extraordinary nexus of driving forces – both conventional and unconventional – that seemed destined to reconfigure the way we live on this planet. My book, Out of the Blue, introduced an approach for making sense out of big events that would otherwise be surprises, and my latest volume, A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change, uses the breakdown/breakthrough themes to propose a general approach for dealing with large scale change.

So, I’ve been thinking about this possibility for quite some time. (My wife would probably tell you that I think about it all of the time.)

I generally agree with the many thoughtful people who consider predicting the future to be a fool’s errand. It is intrinsically fraught with so much complexity and uncertainty that the best one can do with integrity is to array potential alternatives – scenarios – across the horizon, and then try to think about what might be done if one of those worlds materializes.

Scenario planning has certainly been an effective discipline, helping many organizations to imagine potentialities that probably otherwise wouldn’t have shown up in their field of view. But as I facilitate organizations going through these exercises, the little, nagging voice in the back of my head is not asking, “What is the array of possible futures?” – it is always wondering, “What is the future really going to be?”. It wants concreteness. It wants predictions.

I think that no one knows for sure what the future will bring, but after some time of being in this business one begins to be able to discriminate between what is substantive and structural and what is largely speculative. For me, at least, some things have an intuitive sense of being real and important, and the rest of the possibilities lack just enough gravitas that I know that they’re only “ideas”. That intuitive sense is supported when it becomes possible to triangulate from a number of independent sources that all point to the same conclusion – the possibility has substance.

People always ask me after my talks what I think is going to happen. “With all of these converging trends, what is 2012 really going to look like?”. It happened again last week in a radio interview. Mostly I hedge and dance a bit and say that I don’t know for sure. There will be a new world and a new human that will come out of all of this. The notion of cooperation will shape the way people see themselves and the rest of the world . . . and there will be new institutions and functions, etc. Pretty general stuff.

But, over a year ago, the notion that all of this big change could spell the substantial reconfiguration of the familiar country that I have lived in all of my life began to gel in a way that moved beyond the notion of being just a possibility – a wild card – into that space of plausibility. I now have come to believe that it is likely and will happen – soon.
Ideas like this are so big and disruptive that it is really quite hard to get to the place where we take them seriously. For most of us, our lives are evolutionary – punctuated, perhaps with trauma now and then, but mostly populated by events that are familiar, even if they don’t always make personal sense. The concept that EVERYTHING might change is so foreign to any experience that most of us have ever had that even if we say the words and talk about the possibility, we really don’t internalize what this might mean.

Therefore, along with most folks, I’m kind of late to this game. There are other notable thinkers who jumped to the natural conclusion quite some time ago. Dmitry Orlov, for example, first started to build a theory of superpower collapse that included the U.S. in 1995. Only in the last few years has he been talking publicly about his ideas and the ultimate direction of U.S. trends. His book Reinventing Collapse is recommended. He also gave a great speech about the subject recently.

James Howard Kunstler, a wonderfully entertaining and provocative writer, was very clear about the systemic and structural nature of the larger problem in his 2006 book, The Long Emergency. His always interesting blog is a weekly assessment of where we’re going wrong. He clearly sees the demise of America coming this way.

Our own David Martin first outlined the financial dominos that were going to fall in a talk at The Arlington Institute in July of 2006, which he has updated on two subsequent occasions here in Berkeley Springs. Implicit in his treatise was the collapse of the U.S. and global financial system, but again, it’s one thing to imply those words and quite another to really believe them.

I was aggregating my own perspectives and being influenced by some of these folks such that last year while in Singapore I even told my friends there that I thought we were seeing the beginning of the end of the U.S. as we’ve known it. I didn’t think they really believed it then but, in the months since then, they reportedly have made major leadership changes in their government investment company to reposition it in the future away from the U.S. and the US dollar.

Home Gardening Evidence of Consciousness Shift

As the vernal equinox on March 20 approaches, a time when darkness and light are in balance, the natural order gives visible signs of rebirth. Birds build nests, flowering trees begin to bud, and streams swell with snow-melt. If we look closely, we will also find signs that the Great Shift in consciousness I wrote about in Spiritual Wisdom for a Planet in Peril: Preparing for 2012 and Beyond is well underway, balancing light against the darkness of war, conflict, and financial collapse.

One positive sign is the increase in home gardening. Just this morning a news article confirmed that more of us are planting gardens to grow our own produce. Burpee Seeds, one of the largest seed companies, is experiencing an unprecedented surge in demand. People have figured out that growing their own vegetables and fruit can not only save substantial money but also provide them with nutritious food and valuable lessons about connecting with the Earth and her cycles.

My husband recently found his sixth-grade report on Victory Gardens, illustrating the importance of home gardening during World War II that provided up to 40% of the nation’s fresh produce. We can do so again and enjoy gardening as a family and community activity.

In my hometown, Detroit, urban blight is being transformed into community gardens. Young people work in the dirt on vacant lots and see the results, renewing their bonds with Mother Nature. Neighbors work together and share the produce. Everyone benefits. This is the new consciousness in action.

Last week my husband and son roto-tilled our garden area, adding home-grown compost to enrich the soil. We’ve already had our annual garden planning meeting with our neighbors and will go together to the local garden supply store this weekend to pick out plants and seeds and begin by planting those that can take hold in an early North Carolina spring. Remembering the lucious tomatoes, zucchini, pesto made from fresh basil, and Arugula last year’s garden yielded makes us eager to get started. Although the local deer ate most of our young blueberry plants, we’ll try again. We don’t mind sharing with the deer. They are part of our ecosystem, and our home took part of their habitat. We enjoy seeing them thrive on the local plant life also.

If you can create a garden where you live, by all means do so. Get your neighbors together to help. Apartment dwellers can start seeds or seedlings inside, then transfer to patios or balconies. Ask your landlords and condo associations for a community garden plot. This kind of contact with the Earth’s cycles and bounty truly is life-giving and enlightening, and returning us to a healthy relationship with the natural environment is part of the Great Shift.

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Friday, 2 November 2012

A New End: A New Beginning (Part 2)

There are numerous indicators that suggest the big change is coming.
  • Multiple trends are converging - Huge, extraordinary, global trends, any number of which would be enough to derail our present way of life, are converging to precipitate a historic big transition event.  A partial list would include:
  • The global financial system is collapsing.  During the next 10 months, it appears that wave after wave of blows will strike the system (see this Feb. 15th piece by Dave Martin about the next big shock), raising the very real possibility that it will experience large-scale failure sometime before the end of the year.
  • We have reached the beginning of the end of petroleum. Global production has been flat for the last three years.  Senior oil company executives are now saying that they will not be able to pump more.  Supply will likely begin to decrease significantly after we move across the peak.  Prices will increase again if the demand holds up.  This is important because our present way of life is built upon petroleum.
  • The global climate system is changing – some say it is getting much warmer, others now suggest a mini-ice age within the next decade.  In any case, probably increased irregularities in local climates will result with attendant problems in agriculture, natural disasters, and economies.
  • The cost of food is increasing rapidly as a result of global shortages not seen in 40-50 years.  This could be exacerbated by increasing energy costs and climate changes.
  • The effects of larger solar eruptions hitting the earth through a tear in the magnetosphere will disrupt global communications, weather, perhaps satellites, and even organic life over the next 3-4 years.

  • Problems are much larger than government – These kinds of problems are much greater than anything that contemporary governments have ever had to deal with before.  Peak oil, climate change, and the financial meltdown by themselves have the potential to significantly overwhelm the capabilities of government. If bureaucracies can’t deal with the aftermath of a natural disaster like Katrina, something ten or more times that damaging would leave most people fending for themselves.  If these extraordinary, disruptive events end up being concurrent, then the whole system is at risk.
  • The problems are structural - They’re systemic.  Perhaps the best source for beginning to understand the deep, interdependent nature of all of this is by taking the Crash Course at  Some of these issues, especially the financial, oil, and food problems are also a product of how we live, our priorities, and our paradigms.  We are creating the problems because of our values and principles.  Without extraordinary, fundamental changes in the way we see ourselves and the world, we will keep getting what we are getting.
  • Leaders think the old system can be “rebooted” – Almost everyone in leadership positions in the Obama administration and in other countries, wants to make the old system well again.  Jim Kunstler has said it well: “Among the questions that disturb the sleep of many casual observers is how come Mr. O doesn’t get that the conventional process of economic growth — based, as it was, on industrial expansion via revolving credit in a cheap-energy-resource era — is over, and why does he keep invoking it at the podium? Dear Mr. President, you are presiding over an epochal contraction, not a pause in the growth epic. Your assignment is to manage that contraction in a way that does not lead to world war, civil disorder or both. Among other things, contraction means that all the activities of everyday life need to be downscaled including standards of living, ranges of commerce, and levels of governance. “Consumerism” is dead. Revolving credit is dead — at least at the scale that became normal the last thirty years. The wealth of several future generations has already been spent and there is no equity left there to re-finance.”
That is why:
  • We’re not dealing with the structural issues - All of the biggest efforts are attempts to reinflate the financial bubble, and keep the mortally wounded institutions alive.  The knee-jerk reactions come from the same people who helped to design and feed the present system.  These people are also deluded – they think (or act like) they know what they are doing.  They don’t realize that:
  • The situation is so complex that no one really understands it – TheGlobal Business Network’s Peter Schwartz, reporting on a conversation with the Financial Time‘s Martin Wolf said that Wolf’s key point was that the nature and scale of the credit crisis is so novel that it’s not clear we know what we’re doing when we try to stop it.  He is deeply worried.  Steve Roach of Morgan Stanley said at the World Economic Forum annual meeting at Davos that he agreed with Wolf: we are in uncharted waters.  Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan: Impact of the Highly Improbable, says the financial system is so complex that it is impossible for anyone to understand it . . . and because of that complexity it is inevitable that it will exhibit significant, unanticipated behaviors (his Black Swans) that careen across the planet.
  • The issues are global – Japan’s exports fell by 46 percent in January, and Hong Kong’s economy contracted 2.5 percent in the last three months of 2008. Foreign investors closed 45,000 factories in China in the last 8 months and China closed 20,000 itself. Those closed factories mean products aren’t being shipped.

  • The system is fundamentally out of balance – In the U.S., the rich are getting richer (at  unconscionable rates).  National media has reported that the government is monitoring all internal communications of its citizens – but lies and says it is not.  Common sense is not included in big, sweeping federal edicts.  The Transportation Security Administration, for example, wants to make pilots produce background checks on members of their family (and their business associates) in order to legally give them rides in a non-commercial, private airplanes.  The Agriculture Department in its NAIS program wants all small farmers (big feedlots are exempt, of course) to put GPS/RFID tags on all of their animals: chickens, cows, horses, goats – even fish were initially included – so that the beasts can be tracked, on a day to day basis by the government,  It’s also now against the law in some states, like Illinois, for farmers to save the seeds that they’ve grown  – they must buy new ones each year from large seed companies.
  • Most of the U.S. federal budget goes to the military – More than half of the U.S. federal budget goes to military and military-related agencies. This kind of growth, of course, is what brought down the Soviet Union. In sharp contrast to the political apparatchiks that protest that more money is needed to reverse the shrinking, aging, and decline in readiness in the Army, Navy and Air Force, few seem to understand that budget increases are a primary cause of the problems, a symptom clearly described in the new book, America’s Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress. (by Winslow Wheeler, et al., available in late March)
  • No new ideas, government can’t be responsive - If the natural solutions to these massive issues include innovation, foresight, adaptability, sustainability, and resilience, it is unlikely that a thinking American could be found who would suggest that the source for these capabilities would be our government.  They’re in charge, but they have no new ideas about how this all should work.  They’re also slow – and this situation needs fast, agile responses.  There is an additional problem: even if they did have good ideas the government wouldn’t be able to effectively implement them because -
  • Too much inertia, too many lawyers and lobbyists — There is a huge, well-funded effort in place to maintain the status quo or to shift the future to benefit one group at the expense of others.  It would be impossible within the present system to initiate dramatic change when the threat was still on the horizon.  Every group or organization that might be negatively affected would fight in congress and the courts to keep themselves alive regardless of what was at stake for the larger community.  Only when the crisis was about to crash down on everyone – when adequate time and resources for effective response were nonexistent – might everyone pull together for the common good.
  • Potential solutions take too long to implement – These issues are so gigantic that confronting and redirecting them takes a long time.  One study, for example, suggested that a national crash program to find alternatives for oil would need to have been started 20 years before the peak in order for there not to be significant disruption of the underlying systems.  We do not operate with either that foresight or resolve.
  • Supply chains are long and thin - Globalism and just-in-time production has produced supply chains in most areas of commerce that are very long – often to the other side of the earth – and very fragile.  There are many places between there and here where something can go wrong.  If and when that happens, necessities will not be available and in those situations, people resort to unconventional and/or anti-social behavior.
  • $600 trillion in derivatives are a house of cards — Looming over the whole financial situation is an almost unfathomable quantity of financial instruments – derivatives – which are essentially casino bets with no underlying value supporting the transaction. Warren Buffett calls them financial weapons of mass destruction that could bring the whole system down.  Derivatives only work if there is confidence in the system – you believe the casino will really pay your winnings.  If other things in the environment erode that confidence there is the real possibility that things rapidly reconfigure themselves.
  • Cooperation is unlikely, protectionism will prevail - Instead of countries cooperating with each other to deal with these big transnational problems, we’re seeing a pulling back to protect each country’s perceived short-term interests, regardless of what the implications might be in the longer term.  At the same time we’re all connected to each other in very complicated ways, so if any substantial pieces of the system don’t work it will affect all of the other ones.
  • History says it’s time – Perhaps what is most compelling to me is that history strongly suggests that the time is right for an upset – they always happen about now in the historical cycles.  I talk about this in my book a bit, but the short version is that big punctuations in the equilibrium of evolution have produced extraordinary, fundamental reorganizations to life on this planet on a regular, accelerating basis from the beginning of time as we know it.  We make progress as a species when we are forced in one way or another to evolve to seeing ourselves and the world in new ways.  Necessity is the mother of invention, etc.
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Thursday, 1 November 2012

ENVIRONMENT: Earth’s Arctic Freezer Turning Into Hothouse

UXBRIDGE, Apr 10 (IPS) – The world is losing its northern freezer as Arctic winter ice is in sharp decline, NASA scientists reported this week. Even with below average winter temperatures, Arctic ice is thinner and covers less area than it did a decade ago.

Arctic sea ice is the cooling mechanism for the global climate system. As it declines and the region warms – already three to five degrees Celsius warmer – then inevitably there are local, regional and hemispheric climate impacts.

“We’ve already lost one third of the summer ice cover since the 1980s. There are already impacts from this,” says Ron Kwok of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

“A completely ice-free summer by 2013 is not impossible,” Kwok said in a telephone news conference. “You would have been laughed out the room if you suggested this five years ago.”

The new study shows that the maximum extent of the 2008-2009 winter sea ice cover was the fifth-lowest since researchers began collecting such information 30 years ago. The past six years have produced the six lowest maximums in that record.

More stunning, and indicative of the rapid warming of the region, is the decline in the thick, hard-to-melt multi-year ice, says Walter Meier, research scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Boulder, Colorado. Multiyear ice is ice that is two or more years old and therefore doesn’t melt in the summer.
“Less than 10 percent is multiyear now. It used to be 30 percent in 1981,” Meier said at the news conference.

Polar amplification is the reason why climate change is warming the Arctic far faster than anywhere else. A combination of processes and feedbacks in the region have resulted a three to five degree Celsius warming already. In 50 to 100 years time if average global temperature rises three degrees Celsius, the Arctic freezer will be a hothouse – at least 10 degrees Celsius warmer.

“The polar cryosphere has long existed as a buffer against [global] climate warming to an extent,” Dick Peltier, Director of the Centre for Global Change Science at the University of Toronto, told IPS.

The Earth’s great northern freezer is undergoing “great transformations of energy” away from cooling and shifting to warming. More ice melt means more open water resulting in more of the sun’s energy being trapped in the Arctic Ocean and warming water temperatures. That means winter freeze-up comes later, the ice is thinner, and more likely to melt when summer returns. This positive feedback loop is already operating and the meltdown of the Arctic sea ice looks to be irreversible he says.

“It’s a bit like a flywheel now able to turn with reckless abandon.”

The loss of Arctic sea ice won’t raise sea levels directly but as it acts to warm the entire region that will affect the massive Greenland ice sheet. If the whole ice sheet were to melt it would result in a six to seven-metre sea-level rise. Recent studies report thinning at the margins of the Greenland ice sheet, an increased fresh water discharge from outlet glaciers, and a significant increase in surface melt, NASA reported in a release.
The current Arctic meltdown is already changing the local climate and having impacts on northern peoples, Meier said.

“No Arctic ice in the summer will result in profound changes,” says Peltier.

Meanwhile weather patterns in the Arctic have already changed with a northward deepening of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), says Peltier. The NAO controls the strength and direction of westerly winds and storm tracks across the Arctic and North Atlantic.

The jet stream has also shifted further north as the Arctic warms. The jet stream is a fast-flowing westward current of air approx 10 kilometres above the ground. It is the boundary zone between the warm tropical air mass of the south and the cold polar Arctic air mass. Less ice in the Arctic weakens the cold polar air and the jet, while continuing its ebb and flow as seen on daily weather maps, is incrementally pushing northwards altering local weather patterns.

“There has been a northward shift in precipitation, with more rain falling on the northern boreal regions while the southern U.S. is becoming drier,” says Peltier. Although those observed changes are not directly attributable to the Arctic ice loss, but to climate change overall. However there is no doubt that the Arctic meltdown “will eventually affect our weather,” he says.

The rapid warming of the Arctic has happened so quickly that scientists have only begun to study what the potential implications may be. Chief among their concerns is the vast region of permafrost that covers one quarter of the land surface of the Northern hemisphere. The permanently frozen bog and peatland contains enormous amounts of organic carbon – perhaps enough to triple the amount currently in the atmosphere, as previously reported by IPS.

As the permafrost melts carbon dioxide and the more potent greenhouse gas methane is released. And that seems to have been the case during the extremely warm northern summer of 2007 when global atmospheric methane levels shot up by several million tonnes after having been stable for more than a decade. However there is no smoking gun pointing to permafrost.

“Our abilities to detect how much and where methane is being released is really bad,” says Peltier. And there is no “predictive capacity” to get some insight into what might happen to permafrost and when. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made permafrost a priority for its next major report in four or five years time, he said. “There is clear potential for large methane releases.”

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CLIMATE CHANGE: Farming Could Be Friend or Foe

UXBRIDGE, Canada, Apr 2 (IPS) – Don’t forget about agriculture in the upcoming global negotiations to combat climate change, experts warn. Not only is farming most at risk in an increasingly variable and tempestuous climate, it is also a major emitter of greenhouse gases.

But with the right policies in place, agriculture could both continue to feed the world and play a crucial role in solving the climate problem.

“Agriculture has been missing in the run-up talks to Copenhagen,” says Mark Rosegrant of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

The nations of the world will meet in Copenhagen this December to hammer out a new climate treaty to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and establish a fund to help poorer countries adapt. The complex process began in 2007 at the Bali talks, continued in Poznan, Poland in 2008 and is ongoing this week in Bonn.

Agriculture accounts for about 15 percent of human emissions of GHGs, IFPRI says, although the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change puts it higher at 25 percent. Much of those emissions come from developed countries that rely heavily on fossil fuels and fertilisers and raise far more methane-emitting livestock.

With climate change the world is facing reduced yields of up to 20 percent in maize and rice by the year 2050, Rosegrant told IPS. Much of that yield decline will be in the developing world, mainly because sub-tropical and tropical regions are expected to be hit hardest by significant changes in water availability and warmer temperatures.

Climate change could mean ever-rising food prices and therefore significant investments are needed in agricultural research to help countries cope with the coming changes, he says: “We’re trying to work out what the costs for adaptation in agriculture might be.”

IFPRI seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. It is one of 15 centres supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Countries have been talking about creating an adaptation fund, but agriculture hasn’t been a part of that yet. Agriculture is where forests were about 10 years ago – known to be important but peripheral to the actual negotiations, Rosegrant says.

“It is going to be very tough to get anything like this (an adaptation fund). Who is going to pay?” he noted.

And pay for what? There is major divide about the direction the next “green” revolution should take.
The technology-oriented view sees a future involving genetically engineered seeds, fertilisers and new technologies designed to cope with higher temperatures and drought conditions. The eco-agricultural view sees a knowledge-intensive future applying skilled on-farm management to create resilient, smaller-scale operations.

Scientists say climate change doesn’t just mean hotter or drier, it means far more variable weather in the future, says Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, senior scientist at the Pesticide Action Network, an environmental NGO in San Francisco.

“Future conditions will not be like the past. All bets are off. We need to focus on creating adaptive, resilient farming systems,” Ishii-Eiteman said in an interview.

The technological approach of conventional agriculture in developed countries is not only fossil-fuel intensive it is ill-suited to high levels of variability and volatility in weather, she said.

And a three-year assessment of global agriculture completed in 2008 reached similar conclusions.

The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) tapped some 400 scientists and other specialists, including Ishii-Eiteman, to conduct an evidence-based assessment of what direction agriculture should take to feed the world in an era of climate change. The main conclusion: the dominant practice of industrial, large-scale agriculture was unsustainable, mainly because of its dependence on cheap oil, negative impacts on ecosystems and growing water scarcity.

The way forward for agriculture, according to the non-partisian IAASTD, are agro-ecosystems that marry food production with ensuring water supplies remain clean, preserving biodiversity, and improving the livelihoods of the poor.

“The ag assessment (IAASTD reports) should be used as the starting point,” for finding ways to adapt and reduce GHGs, said former IAASTD Co-chair Hans Herren, president of the Arlington-based Millennium Institute, a body that undertakes a variety of developmental activities around the world.

“Agriculture could be a major sink for CO2,” Herren told IPS.

U.S. long-term studies have shown that an agro-ecosystem farming approach such as organic farming used 28 to 32 percent fewer energy inputs, retained soil carbon and soil nitrogen better when compared to conventional agriculture, and offered a higher profitability over conventional systems.

Converting just 10,000 medium-sized farms in the U.S. to organic production would store enough carbon in the soil that it would be like taking 1,174,400 cars off the road, according to the Rodale Institute, a U.S. organic research centre.

Simply considering future energy costs makes it clear radical changes are needed in agriculture, says Herren. Where research is truly needed is at the small landholder level, which provides food and livelihood for more than half of the people on the planet.

Even in Africa organic or near-organic farming were not only practical, they outperformed conventional methods, a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) study reported last year. On 114 small-scale farms in 24 African countries, yields had more than doubled where organic or near-organic practices had been used, the study found.

“Simply ratcheting up the fertiliser and pesticide-led production methods of the 20th century is unlikely to address the challenge (of food security)”, said UNEP executive director Achim Steiner.

Continuing along that path undermines “…the critical natural inputs and nature-based services for agriculture such as healthy and productive soils, the water and nutrient recycling of forests, and pollinators such as bees and bats,” Steiner said in statement about the study.

The IAASTD also concluded that government subsidies of conventional agriculture systems that emit high levels of GHGs should be reevaluated. Research should be focused on water harvesting and conservation technologies for small landholders along with policies that enhance and protect agro-biodiversity and increase the diversification of agricultural systems to boost resilience and adaptability.

Although there is strong European interest in this agro-ecosystem approach, the big global agricultural organisations like the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), IFPRI, CGIAR and others aren’t, asserts Herren. “They haven’t yet realised we need big changes in agriculture.”

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Tuesday, 30 October 2012


The G-20 April 2nd Summit in London acknowledged the group’s interdependence and moved toward greater cooperation now essential to reforming global finance. The G-20 endorsed the goal of building a resilient, sustainable and green economy. “We will make the transition towards clean, innovative, resource-efficient, low-carbon technologies and infrastructure.” The G-20 also reaffirmed their commitment to address climate change and to reach agreement at the December 2009 UN Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen.

Commitments underway by G-20 countries of $5 trillion are expected to raise global output by 4% and accelerate the transition to a green economy.

Fundamental reforms were not addressed, including the need to re-design debt-based money and banking or to create a new global reserve currency, already proposed by China, Russia, India, Brazil and other G-20 members so as to relieve imbalances and excessive pressure on the US dollar.

More immediate reform of the voting representation on the boards of the World Bank and the IMF are a step forward, together with an additional $750 billion: with $250 billion for a new issuance of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs); $250 billion to support trade finance; $100 billion of additional lending to developing countries, as well as an additional $1.1 trillion from IMF gold sales for concessional finance to the poorest countries.

The heart of the G-20 agreements is to move beyond the “Anglo-Saxon” economics typified by the now-rejected “Washington Consensus” model. Many sensible new rules were promulgated to regulate and oversee global financial firms, including hedge funds, new principles for executive pay, accounting rules, credit rating agencies, excessive leverage and restraining excessive risk taking. Rules for tax and regulatory arbitrage are to be tightened and tax-havens “named and shamed.” However, the hypocrisy reported by Australia’s Griffith University professor Jason Sharman must be addressed: that the US states of Nevada, Delaware and Wyoming, as well as some OECD member countries, must be included in the “shaming.”

No mention was made on correcting GDP as proposed by the European Parliament to include statistics on education, health, environment or poverty gaps; nor on the need for incorporating such ESG factors in company balance sheets and reporting (

Monday, 29 October 2012

A New End: A New Beginning (Part 3)

So, it doesn’t look to me like we’re going to be able to do what might be needed to maintain the present system . . . and it is likely that we’re at one of those extraordinary moments in history when each of us gets the opportunity to play an important role in not only transitioning to a new world, but also designing it.

It appears that the financial system is likely to collapse sometime this year – probably before the third quarter – which will then require a great deal of effort next year (and into 2012?) to design and build a new framework. It is obvious that many businesses will fail as the result of this abrupt slowdown (just read the papers today), and there will be unprecedented hardship for many people around the world. A long view of what is happening could posit that only through the collapse of a legacy system could a new world evolve . . . and that is what is happening.

So, what to do in the face of unprecedented change? Two specific things come to mind:
  1. Plan for the transition – Start to think now about how you’re going to provide for yourself and those who are important to you in a time when many things don’t work the way that always have in the past. Dmitry Orlov talks about some options in his above-mentioned talk and book. There are many websites and books on this subject. Key Concept: Cooperation You can’t do this alone. Start to work together with like-minded individuals to sustain yourself – regardless of whether your concerns are food, water, shelter, transportation or finances.
  2. Start thinking about the new world – Now is the time to begin contemplating the design of the new world. Governments should be doing this. Companies should start skunk works. Big international organizations should put it on their agendas.
Here’s the catch. This might not happen. Personally, I think that if there is any one person that has the potential to at least soften this transition it is Barack Obama. As I’ve suggested, he will have his hands full just trying to get the underlying people and institutions to think differently and act fast enough, but if anyone has the chance to pull it off, it would be him. Already he’s getting government to move faster and in more substantive ways than any of his predecessors. It may be, by the way, that he will be the best guy to wind down the old system and reconstitute a new one. It’s all of the other folks running the government that I’d be concerned about – the ones who continue to see the world as it used to be.

There are any number of reasons why this scenario might not manifest itself, not least of which is that there will be many thousands, if not millions of people who will be working very hard to assure that the system doesn’t come apart (but then, they may be doing the wrong things).

Seems to me, therefore, that flexibility and permeability (allowing new ideas to get through) are of critical importance here. Remember the first law of Discordianism: “Convictions cause convicts”. Whatever you believe imprisons you.

So, stay loose. The winners need to transcend, not try to work their way through all of this. Concentrate on building the new world, don’t get emotionally involved in the daily reports of the current global erosion.
If your group would like to hear more about this, I’m always happy to come give presentations on these subjects. Drop me a note and we’ll see if we can make something happen.

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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Swine Flu: Pandemic or Lesson on Releasing Fear?

In recent weeks I’ve had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of people in person and through radio interviews and teleconferences about 2012: what may be coming in the way of earth shifts and human-caused changes and how to prepare for the most probable outcomes, while envisioning a new way of being in a transformed world and beginning to live out that vision now.

The question that keeps coming up is this: what do we need to know and do now to make it through the coming shift and transition to a higher consciousness?

The first part of the answer is, emphatically, not to go into fear. Fear is a lower-vibration energy that can spread as quickly as a pandemic and cause as much damage energetically. Since 2001, we’ve gotten so used to fear-based interpretations of the world through media, politics, and conspiracy theories that we either panic at the first sign of trouble, giving energy to the worst case outcomes, or sink into denial, ignoring the signs of the times that tell us the world is transforming in many ways at once.

Giving in to fear clouds our judgment and vision, snatching away our sense of security and control of our own lives. It also saps our ability to choose to participate in bringing about the best possible outcome for the highest good of all life on this planet.

Witness the so-called swine flu pandemic. Conspiracy theorists tell us the swine flu virus was concocted in secret labs and released on the public by dark forces hoping to kill off millions of excess humans on this planet or just to create massive panic. The Egyptian government ordered that country’s 300,000 pig population slaughtered out of sheer ignorance and fear, which it multiplied exponentially with this worst possible response to a perceived threat. Even the National Institutes of Health, by recommending that school systems with possible cases close down for days or weeks until the virus is contained, amped up the fear by giving it probable cause and threw a wrench into the end of school year plans of hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, and parents left without child care options. Individuals who can afford to get Tamiflu prescriptions from their doctors are doing so to protect themselves. Spiritual healers are recommending natural products like essential oils to ward off the virus and restore the physical and energy bodies to full health.

It seems that each institution or individual is demonstrating its own level of consciousness in its reaction to this virus.

What is the truth about swine flu? Is the threat overblown, considering the number of cases worldwide? It appears so. And yet, as I point out in “Spiritual Wisdom for a Planet in Peril: Preparing for 2012 and Beyond,” pandemics are one kind of natural- or human-caused disaster we may experience in this time of great change for which we can prepare on both physical and energetic levels.

While science works on understanding the virus and and governments on containing it, we, from a higher consciousness perspective, can deal with swine flu and other potential disasters by recognizing that through directing positive intention and energy to the threat we can influence the outcome. By consciously choosing not to participate in fear but rather to surround the virus, the people and animals touched by it, and the medicines and personnel prepared to counteract it with the energy of love, we can help convert a potential disaster into a soft landing. The more of us who practice sending the high vibration of universal love into the world in place of the lower vibration of fear, the less likely a potential disaster is to become a real one.

This is a huge lesson to be learned as we move forward through this cosmic shift marked by 2012. Knowing how to heal the body, mind, and spirit is essential. Choosing not to participate in fear and to offer love in its place will make all the difference.

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Friday, 26 October 2012

Deep CO2 Cuts May Be Last Hope for Acid Oceans

UXBRIDGE, Canada, May 15 (IPS) – Ocean acidification offers the clearest evidence of dangers of climate change. And yet the indisputable fact that burning fossil fuels is slowly turning the oceans into an acid bath has been largely ignored by industrialised countries and their climate treaty negotiators, concluded delegates from 76 countries at the World Oceans Conference in Manado, Indonesia.

Oceans and coastal areas must be on the agenda at the crucial climate talks in Copenhagen in December, they wrote in a declaration. “We must come to the rescue of the oceans,” declared Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the opening of high-level government talks on Thursday in the northern city of Manado.

It is fair to say most international climate negotiators aren’t aware of the impacts of climate change on the oceans, said Carl Gustaf Lundin, head of the IUCN’s Global Marine Programme.

“Very few people understand that carbon emissions are making the oceans acidic,” Lundin told IPS.
Over the past 150 years, burning of fossil fuels and deforestation has put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The oceans have absorbed more than one-third – about 130 billion tonnes – of those human emissions and have become 30 percent more acidic as the extra CO2 combines with carbonate ions in seawater, forming carbonic acid.

Each day, the oceans absorb 30 million tonnes of CO2, gradually and inevitably increasing their acidity. There is no controversy about this basic chemistry.

This increased acidity is affecting coral reefs and shell-forming organisms like clams and many types of plankton. Newer research suggests that it may also affect basic physiological functions for many types of marine organisms.

Rising levels of acidity may also increase the size of oceanic dead zones – areas that have too little oxygen to support life, according to research published in Science magazine Apr. 19. Dead zones, such as the one in Gulf of Mexico, have dramatically increased in number and size around the world in the past three decades.
“Climate change will have a huge number of very serious impacts on the oceans,” said Duncan Currie of Greenpeace New Zealand.

“What we do in the next 10 to 15 years (regarding carbon emissions) will affect the oceans for thousands of years,” Currie said in an interview from Manado.

And that is why Indonesia, a country made up of 17,508 islands, is hosting the May 11-15 conference and wants to send a message to Copenhagen about the impacts of climate change on the oceans, he said.
The Copenhagen talks under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are expected to result in a new agreement on reducing carbon emissions by a set target for all developed nations by 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol expires.

Participants and experts at the conference spoke about tropical forests receiving far more attention while there was little awareness in the global community about the broad impacts of climate change on the oceans.
There is also little awareness that coastal mangrove forests soak up large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, protect shorelines and are “fish nurseries”. Protection of mangroves is essential and restoring coastal forests are “win-win” situations that must be encouraged and supported under a future climate agreement, Currie said.

“The role of coastal mangrove forests has not been part of the climate debate at the climate meetings,” agreed Lundin.

Some coastal plants can increase their size by 10 percent per day, a rapid growth rate that exceeds land-based plants. “What are the benefits of CO2 capture and sequestration? I think coastal species offer an excellent opportunity to capture carbon,” he said.

IUCN is working with experts to collect data on this and will soon be able to quantify the carbon capture potential, he said. “Right now no one is talking about this,” Lundin added.

There is also little awareness that oceans and coastal zones have been in steep decline for the past few decades.

At the conference, the international conservation group World Wildlife Fund released a report showing that 40 percent of reefs and mangrove in the Coral Triangle have already been lost. This 5.7 million sq km area, considered the Amazon of the ocean with 75 percent of all coral species, spans eastern Indonesia, parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.

The 40 percent is probably an underestimate, said the report’s chief author, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, a coral biologist at the University of Queensland, Australia. Much of that decline is not due to climate change but result from pollution, overfishing and damage done to coastal regions such as chopping down mangrove forests and inappropriate coastal development.

“…These are destroying the productivity of ocean, which is plummeting right now,” Hoegh-Guldberg said according to media reports. And since oceans absorb about 40 percent of carbon emissions, damaging that enormous carbon capture system will make climate change far worse.

“To preserve ocean health we’re calling for 40 percent of the oceans to be protected,” Greenpeace’s Currie said.

Greenpeace is campaigning for a global network of fully protected marine reserves – off limits to all fishing – that would include large areas in the high seas where there is little management. Daniel Pauly, a renowned fisheries expert at the University of British Columbia, has called for protection for at least 60 percent of the oceans.

Lundin says the IUCN also wants large areas of the oceans protected to help restore the health of fish stocks, protect ocean life from habitat destruction and collapse so that they can better withstand climate change.

But creating Marine Protected Areas is not enough – ecosystem-based management of these and even larger regions is needed. Current fisheries management on a species by species basis has been a disaster, leading to collapse of fish stocks like tuna, Lundin said.

Major reforms are needed, among them the creation of regional oceans management organisations based on ecosystem principles, he said.

But when it comes to the impacts of climate change on the oceans, the only solution is a global agreement to sharply reduce emissions. While Lundin is optimistic there will be a deal in Copenhagen, he acknowledges some countries will put their self-interest first and foremost, and the global recession will make it difficult for politicians to agree to significant emissions cuts.

“We have to realistic in our expectations about the emission targets that will be agreed to,” he said.

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Celebrating the Summer Solstice on the Path to 2012

As the Winter Solstice of 2012 fast approaches, marking a time of great transition for humanity and our planet, each turn of the cosmic wheel becomes more significant. The summer and winter solstices, along with the spring and fall equinoxes, have been occasions for celebrations and rituals for thousands of years. The ancients looked to the heavens with awe and gratitude for the gifts of each season and built cosmic calendars on the Earth to mark the movements of the heavenly bodies. They were aware of early or late signs of spring to know when to plant their crops and noticed the changing angles of light as summer lengthened their shadows. They lived in harmony with the rhythms of the universe.

In the last century, as populations have become more urban than rural, many of us have lost our conscious connection to the natural world. We may note the change of seasons–warmer or cooler weather, longer days or nights–but have largely forgotten the significance of the Earth’s annual journey around the sun as it tilts on its axis.

This yearly orbit is linked with much larger cosmic movements, as Earth moves counterclockwise through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, each about 2160 years, and completes what is called the Precession of the Equinoxes about every 25, 950 years. All of these cycles, as well as the shorter lunar and solar cycles, were known to the ancients. The Mayan calendar gives evidence of this, and many monuments around the Earth similarly indicate that the movements of the heavens were well observed.

According to interpreters of the Mayan calendar’s long count, December 21, 2012 is the date when all of these cycles–short and long–complete, as Earth and Sun align with the dark rift at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Some plausibly argue for other dates, but the Winter Solstice of 2012 (Summer in the Southern Hemisphere) is now part of the collective consciousness of our time, as media focus on this date builds.

What precisely will happen then no one knows, but speculation ranges from Doomsday scenarios to the ushering in of the Aquarian Age of enlightenment and peace, with all species including the human living sustainably on the Earth. I am firmly in the latter camp, as those who have read my book, Spiritual Wisdom for a Planet in Peril: Preparing for 2012 and Beyond,” are aware. Our task is to bring about the most positive outcomes for ourselves and our planet.

The Summer Solstice on June 21 offered an opportunity to reconnect with the natural rhythms of Earth and to celebrate the time when the sun at its zenith appears to stand still in the heavens. Now light wins out once more over darkness, as the longest day of the year marks the beginning of summer. From this day forward to the December solstice, daylight diminishes again until darkness settles in and winter pulls us inward.

Summer is an expansive time, when all things seem possible. Now through the autumn equinox on September 21 is a time of great abundance, as Earth nourishes her species through growing plants, plentiful waters, and new generations of animals, birds, and insects. Our home garden produces a rich bounty of lettuces, tomatoes, squash, beans, and herbs, offering us fresh, nutritious meals through September. Last year one of our pumpkins, harvested in July, lived on our front porch through January, before the frost turned it rotten. Mocking birds nest in our yard, large bumblebees buzz around our purple ice plants, and the butterfly bushes in our side yard attract many beautiful species. Wild blackberries turn ripe and disappear quickly as the local deer population gobbles them up. Visual and edible symbols of Earth’s abundance are one of the great joys of summer.

Since ancient times, people have celebrated the Summer Solstice as the victory of light over darkness. Monuments like England’s Stonehenge are gigantic calendars marking the Earth’s turning toward the light and have become sites of annual festivals to give thanks to the Divine for the life-giving sun.

On a number of occasions, I have traveled to power points and sacred sites on the planet to participate in solstice or equinox celebrations: Stonehenge, Chitchen Itza in Mayan Mexico, Egypt’s Giza Plateau, Ireland’s Newgrange, and Chaco Canyon in New Mexico among them. In these and other locations, ancient astronomers and priests left solid evidence in stone of the path of the sun’s seasonal alignments so that their communities could anticipate and benefit from this knowledge. Ancient gods were worshiped as bringers and sustainers of life.

Now science confirms what spiritual people have always known intuitively: the interconnected web of life throughout the universe that flourishes, dies, and is reborn in new forms and patterns, as the process of creation continues to unfold throughout time. The evolution of human consciousness that 2012 is about is one significant culmination of a more than 16 billion year old cosmic process, and those alive today may experience this shift.

On last year’s summer solstice, I joined an annual ceremony in northern Michigan led by several generations of Ojibway women at the site of petroglyphs sacred to their people. The women hauled water in purifying copper buckets from a nearby stream to cleanse the large rock on which the ancient messages were written for our own time. Barefoot, grandmothers and their daughters and granddaughters scrubbed the rock with brooms, then offered a traditional feast representing Earth’s bounty to guests. It was a wonderful way to honor Mother Earth and ancestral wisdom.

This year I had intended to join a group of spiritual energy healers at another ancient sacred site, the Serpent Mounds of Ohio, to ground and amplify healing energy through the site, connecting with the Earth’s grids to bring a higher dimension of healing and harmony to the planet. Instead, I stayed home to be with visiting family. However, through the power of the internet, you don’t have to travel around the globe to join in a summer solstice celebration. At 8 p.m. EDT on June 21, I tuned into the Concert for the Living Water at and joined millions around the world in sending love and healing through thought, intention, and chanting to the Earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. I concentrated especially on the Great Lakes because of their importance and my own spiritual connection to these great bodies of water.

Feeling very aligned with the intention of this experimental gathering held around the planet and virtually through the internet, I was grateful to be able to contribute through this medium to cleansing and healing the waters. We know from the work of Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto, who was involved in this project, as well as from the science of energy healing, that water holds memory and vibration. As humans and invasive species have polluted the life-giving waters on which all life depends, their healthy vibrations have shifted and diminished. Through our collective intention, we can change that, and this concert held, appropriately, on the summer solstice was a way to focus and amplify our energy through the sound frequency of love. As the website states, “love is the universal healer and water the universal solvent.” Bringing these together with amplified power can cleanse and heal us all.

The Concert for the Living Water is a great example of what is possible when each of us joins with others as one voice to raise the vibration of the planet and contribute to the transformation of consciousness that will bring about an era of peace and harmony on Earth. It was especially appropriate that it should happen on the most enlightened day of the year.

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